Places to see in the Kusivokrat region

    The Kusivokrat Castle was once an important royal palace, making Kusivokrat an important region that has influenced events in Central Europe. Today, the region is known for its beautiful nature and other interesting attractions, but is rather neglected by tourists. If you are wondering where to go for a long weekend, where to recharge your batteries and relieve the stress of the past few days, here are a few places you may not know:

    hrad Křivoklát

    Běleč ( Běleleč – Sýkořice – Zbečno – Klíčavasection, it is recommended to leave your car in Běleleč and cycle downhill and uphill. You will have to climb and descend hills, but this relatively short section is manageable. The most interesting places along this route are the Masaryk lookout in Sikodice, the square in Zvechno, and the turnoff toward Krychava. Klichava is a waterworks that supplies drinking water to the people of Kladno and Rakovnik, and on a clear day the view of the water surface and the reinforced concrete dam is very impressive.

    údolí Berounky

    Stříbrný luh lookout – near the town of Roztoky u Křivoklát, a short walk downstream from the railroad station on the Berounka River. There is a bench here, and don\’t forget your camera for panoramic photos.

    Branov – In V Luh, a settlement near Branov, there is a memorial to the writer Ota Pavel. You can also take a ferry across the Nezabudice River to U Rozvědčíka, a pub that perfectly fits the environment in which Ota Pavel wrote. At the same time, the climb from Branov to Branov Castle, also known as Forfeit Castle, should not be missed. From here, too, one can enjoy a magnificent view of the river and the nearby hills and forested valley.

    Velker Bukover Lookout – And if you like distant views of the Kusivokrat region, you can complement them with this lookout on the opposite bank between Roztky and Kusivokrat