Vitamin E: Why We Need It


    The effects of a substance can often be inferred from its name. In the case of tocopherol, its name indicates that it is also known as the “fertility vitamin”. Thus, one of the functions of tocopherol is to control sex hormones.
    Other functions include.

    Protects body cells from free radicals.
    Metabolism of fats
    According to current scientific medical knowledge, it is unclear whether vitamin E also protects against various degenerative diseases through its antioxidant properties. Research on its potential anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic effects is also not yet complete.
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    What happens when E is deficient

    Because vitamin E is fat-soluble, people who consume an extremely low-fat diet are at risk of becoming deficient in this substance. In gastrointestinal diseases such as celiac disease, Crohn\’s disease, and pancreatitis, the vitamin is not well absorbed by the body and can lead to deficiency.
    People who eat a balanced diet consume adequate amounts of vitamin E. The body stores the vitamin in adipose tissue and the liver, which can compensate for short-term deficiencies even when amounts are insufficient.
    When tocopherols are deficient, the following diffuse symptoms occur.

    Decreased performance and concentration.
    Skin dryness, wrinkling
    Deficiency of this substance is also thought to promote the development of atherosclerosis. According to another study, increased vitamin intake may significantly improve eczema. Therefore, vitamin E deficiency is also thought to be a cause of atopic dermatitis .
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    Side effects of overdose

    Too much essenes are first stored in the liver and adipose tissue and not excreted. It has been estimated that long-term ingestion of 300 mg of tocopherols (or their equivalents) per day by an adult human is not harmful
    Extremely high intakes may pose a risk of bleeding. Therefore, individuals with bleeding disorders should be cautious about overdosing on this substance. The same applies to patients taking blood thinners.

    What foods contain it?

    Tocopherols occur naturally only in plants. However, they are eaten by animals, and animal foods are also good sources because tocopherols are stored in the liver and adipose tissue.
    Nuts, seeds, and oils are also excellent sources of tocopherols. About 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil or 1 teaspoon of wheat germ oil will cover the daily requirement.
    High-quality vegetable oils are part of a healthy and balanced diet. The fatty acid ratio of sunflower oil is quite poor, so one should not use only this oil but also try other oils. The very high quality of safflower oil is due to its high content of healthy fatty acids.
